Young Ones' Addiction

It is no secret that young people are increasingly becoming addicted to technology such as smartphones, tablets, and laptops. With the advancement of technology, it seems that these devices are replacing valuable relationships and family time. Additionally, these virtual tools can become a way to hide or escape real-life issues, creating an atmosphere of avoidance. Unfortunately, youth are not just becoming addicted to technology; they are developing an addiction to drugs and alcohol as well.

Studies have shown that young people can become addicted to a substance more quickly than adults due to their underdeveloped brains. An adolescent’s brain is not yet mature and so it is more vulnerable to certain substances, namely alcohol and drugs. The abuse of substances like marijuana, cocaine, and alcohol can lead to forgotten commitments and reduced social participation.

The number one cause of substance abuse in young people is found to be boredom, peer pressure, and having a negative outlook on life. Young people may find overcoming these challenges difficult, especially when surrounded by peers who are participating in the activity. Additionally, trying to fit in with peers can cause young people to make decisions they may not normally make.

Symptoms of substance abuse in teenagers include behavior changes, mood swings, irritability, increased aggression, sleep disturbances, difficulty concentrating, loss of interest in activities, poor academic performance, and withdrawal from family and friends. These changes are often gradual and difficult to recognize at times. It is also commonly seen that young people who are addicted to drugs or alcohol will also be addicted to technology. With technology becoming increasingly embedded into our everyday lives, it is easy to become dependent on it, leading to an addiction.

When someone is addicted to technology, they may have compulsive behaviors such as consistently checking messages and notifications, becoming defensive when the electronic device is taken away, and feeling irritable when limited from social media use. An addiction to technology can also manifest in psychological symptoms such as depression, increased anxiety, inability to sleep, and loss of appetite. It is important to recognize the seriousness of an addiction to technology in young people as it can have a rigorous impact on their physical and mental health.

It is important for parents, educators, and health professionals to be aware of the signs of addiction for both technology and drugs and alcohol. Parents need to provide the right environment in which the children can grow up, such as establishing quality family time and monitoring the activities of their children. Communicating with the youth regarding their perception of substances, is key in preventing addiction to drugs and alcohol.

Education must be provided to young people with the aim of encouraging them to make healthy decisions and demonstrate resistant behavior. Educators should make a point of informing young people on the dangers of addiction and the importance of living a healthy lifestyle. Not only should drugs and alcohol be discussed, but they should also be warned of the dangers that come with technology, such as cyberbullying, inappropriate sharing of images and information, and the dangers of addiction to various media platforms, like social networks, sites, and gaming.

In conclusion, it is of utmost importance that young people are provided with the necessary resources to protect them from addiction. Through awareness, education, and proper resources, young people can be encouraged to avoid addictive behavior and live healthier, more productive lives. The user-friendly access of technology makes it easier for young people to become addicted to electronic devices and substances. Therefore, it is up to the parents, educators, and professionals to ensure that young people are armed with the necessary resources to detect, prevent, and overcome addiction.