To Serve an Addiction is to Worship a False Idol

Addiction is a phenomenon that has been around since the dawn of human history. It affects people of all ages, genders, and backgrounds and can have devastating and long-lasting consequences on its victims. It has the ability to wreck lives, destroy families, and send its victims on a path of darkness and despair. To serve an addiction is to worship a false idol, as it prevents its victims from living the life that God intended for them.

Most addictions tend to start innocently enough. It might be a person looking to numb out the pain and stress of daily life, or it might just be curiosity or peer pressure that leads someone down the wrong path. But regardless of how it begins, it quickly becomes a major component of someone’s life and before long they are completely consumed by it. They start to make excuses and rationalizations for their behaviors, their thoughts become preoccupied with it, and their activities all revolve around obtaining, using, or being under it’s influence.

Serving an addiction is a terrible mistake, as it thrusts its victims into a downward spiral of their own making. Instead of serving and pleasing God, they are worshipping a false idol in the form of a substance or behavior. They believe on some level that this addiction will give them something they are missing, when in reality it only causes more pain and suffering in the long run. Even if it temporarily alleviates stress or numbs out difficult feelings, it’s temporary and the consequences always catch up in the end.

Addiction is a powerful force, and it often takes more than just the willpower of the individual to break free from its grip. It is important for families and friends to become involved as well, to offer support and understanding as the person journeys through the recovery process. Although it can be frightening and emotionally challenging, with patience and persistence it is possible to break free from addiction and reclaim one’s life.

At its heart, serving an addiction is a decision made in desperation and fear, as the individual hopes that it will provide them with some relief or escape. It is important to remember that no matter how powerful and overwhelming their addiction may seem, there is always hope of recovery as long as they are willing to put in the work. This journey will take time, divine guidance, and unwavering commitment, but with the proper support and resources it is more than possible to get back on track.

In conclusion, serving an addiction is a form of idol worship as it results in the individual making a false god out of substances or behaviors. These addictions bring only short-term relief and in the long run they will only cause more suffering. To break free an individual must be committed to the work and have the support of family and friends. Although it is a daunting process, with faith and effort, it is possible to break free from addiction and restore one’s life.